About Calgary...

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. You’re prioritising your health and taking the time to look after yourself and your family – yeah! I hope it inspires you to try something new, to look at food and cooking with fresh eyes and to believe that healthy doesn’t have to be hard.

Start with one new recipe, one new ingredient or one new habit and slowly you will develop a new relationship with the fuel you put in your body.

Don’t take it too fast and don’t be hard on yourself – just make a commitment to TRY! That’s all it takes; an open mind and a positive attitude to making changes to your wellbeing. We are all on this wellness journey together – one step at a time!

Calgary Avansino with Chard

My Core Beliefs...

My philosophy isn’t complicated – and certainly doesn’t involve fad diets or deprivation. It’s simply about loading your plate with plant-based goodness each and every meal time. We need to eat “real” food – the kind that grows in the ground, on bushes and on trees, with ingredients we can pronounce, that doesn’t involve a factory production line.

Plant-based living is a fulfilling, permanent lifestyle.

Eat real food – food grown from the earth.

Eat less refined, processed, ready-made food.

Make an effort to move your body every day.

Learn the truth about sugar – and where it hides.

Calgary at dinner table
calgary avansino itsu
calgary pouring sugar


I’m always talking about eating well, moving your body more and cutting sugar out of your life. As a mommy to three young children, I’m also asked a lot about motherhood and feeding fussy little ones…